
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Bluebells (Reception)

Welcome to Reception!


We are called Bluebells, the second year group in the Early Years Foundation Stage. We enjoy creating a vibrant and stimulating environment where children are nurtured and listened to. We teach using topics as well as using the children’s interests as a vehicle for learning. The children develop good communication skills through positive interaction with adults and peers which supports them in becoming literate for life. We aim for the children to develop lively, enquiring minds with a love of learning and a lifetime of curiosity.


Each morning, the children will usually be taught literacy/phonics and maths and in the afternoons, understanding the world, PE and expressive art and design. But we are very flexible and timings and sessions change each week! The most important curriculum areas of communication and language, personal, social and emotional development and physical development are taught daily through all of our planned activities as well as discreet sessions aimed at focussing on particular areas. We follow the EYFS curriculum 2021. All these sessions are taught alongside ongoing play activities that we call 'Discovery Time'. The doors are open and the children have free access between the classroom and the outside area.

We plan a balance of opportunity for child and adult led play; practical hands on opportunities; indoor and outdoor learning; individual, small group work and class activities. 


Staff strive to promote strong links with parents to inform them about topics children will be engaged in and to help them to understand the aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Partnership with parents is very important to us and enhances the children’s learning; parents and grandparents are regularly welcomed in to class to support activities or to share special talents and interests.

Our aim is for every child to be a happy, confident, independent, risk taker; embracing new challenges with a positive mindset within a supportive and caring environment.  

Meet our Bluebells team:



Mrs Dawkins: Class teacher (Monday, Tuesday ) and Deputy Headteacher
 Mrs Harris: Class teacher (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and Early Years Leader
 Miss Brennan: Teaching assistant (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
 Mrs Wizard: Teaching assistant (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Day to Day Bluebells Life


Timings of the Day: 8.50am - 3.15pm

Children need to keep a spare change of clothes at school as well as wellies and slippers. We wear slippers in the classroom to keep it clean, making it a nicer place to learn and play. 

PE is on a Friday - please come dressed in your PE clothes and trainers (no laced trainers please!)

Reading books are changed on a Monday 

Communication diaries (purple books) are checked daily

Please bring in your book bag everyday

Please bring in a water bottle everyday (Only water in drink bottles)

We are not able to hand out any birthday sweets

Bluebells Blog

Autumn Term 2024

The Bluebells class have had a great start to the Autumn term. The children are settling in brilliantly into their new classroom. They have learnt many of the rules, routines and expectations quickly and we are very proud of them all. There have been lots of new friendships formed and the understanding of turn taking, sharing, respecting others and voicing own opinions and feelings is growing.

This term, we enjoyed our topic of ‘Super Duper You’. We have been talking about our families, sharing baby photos, painting self-portraits, reading The Colour Monster as well as many other exciting activities.

In Autumn Term 2 we will be focusing on Nursery Rhymes as well as celebrating Bonfire night, Diwali and Christmas. 

Please keep an eye on Seesaw for our weekly updates on what we will be teaching that week and photos of your child's journey in Bluebells. 



Books to Read to Your Child in Reception

More Recommended Reads for Reception
