
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 class teacher: Mr Green

Year 3 support staff: Ms Abritta and Ms Karda



PE will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on that day.


Home school diary & reading

Your child will bring home their home-school diary (orange) and a reading book each Friday (If they have read their current book). The home-school diary is a form of communication book for parents to adults within the class and also a reading log.


If your child reads any book at home, please tick the day and initial it. On Friday, if your child has read 5 times, they will receive a dojo point (they must show their signed book to prove this) :)


In addition, use it to 'magpie' vocabulary This will enable your child to extend their vocabulary and potentially use these new words within their own writing.


Reading & book changing

Each week, an adult from the class will hear the children read as part of the whole class or on an individual basis. It is important that your child brings their reading book and home-school diary daily as they may be heard to read any day of the week. Books will be changed every Friday* or if they finish a book whilst reading with an adult. Please ensure your child has their reading book in school this day to avoid missing this opportunity. A week may seem a long time to read one book but of course, please read outside of the reading books we provide as I am sure your children will enjoy reading a range of stories/ non-fiction texts away from their school book. In addition to this, read the book for fluency. If there are unfamiliar words in the text, write them in the home-school diary and discuss them.


  *For those children who are reading chapter books I appreciate it may take longer than one week to read and therefore please change the books as appropriate.



Homework will be set via Seesaw every Wednesday and due the following Tuesday. Your child will have received a green homework book to complete activities in. This will also contain appropriate logins for Seesaw and TTRS. Each week, I will be setting

- Spelling,

- Arithmetic

- Times tables (Times Tables Rock Stars) 


Spellings be set Wednesday and fall in line with our class spellings. Spelling tests will take place on Monday each week.



Year 3 Timetable


Stone Age to Iron Age 

This topic takes us on a journey through prehistory. The children learn about life in the Stone, Bronze and Iron age looking at the significant changes that occurred and how these impacted upon life then and now. They learn about tools, weapons, housing, religion and more, making comparisons between the three eras. 

The children take a trip to Wendover woods where they visit Boddington camp; an Iron age hill fort. They go on to create their own model roundhouses and develop an Iron age settlement between themselves. 

Our topic inspires the children to write Celtic stories about the brave, bold Boudicca and how she was defeated by the Roman army. 

Romans and Volcanoes 🌋 


The Roman people changed our lives in many ways - the children will find out how! They will use maps to locate the countries Rome conquered and build understanding of how their empire grew. We will also learn how Roman changed Britain in particular. 

On Roman day, the children will become soldiers in battle formations, architects to build aqueducts and bakers of a Roman feasts. *Note: They will require a costume. A letter will follow*

The children will develop historical and computing skills by researching areas of Italy and learning about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. They will create a PowerPoint presentation sharing their knowledge and write newspaper articles to report on this historic event, becoming news reporters to share their newsworthy story. 

Non core subject information Autumn term


The Ancient Egyptians


In the spring term, the children will study the Ancient Egyptians and archaeology. We will explore the deep, rich history of Ancient Egypt continuing to develop a chronological understanding of different periods of time. The children will learn how the Ancient Egyptians lived and how their lives were significant to modern day. Whilst learning about archaeology, the children will gain knowledge of Howard Carter and the importance of his findings. Through our geography curriculum, we will use maps and atlases to locate Egypt and discuss differences between Ancient and modern-day landmarks, including the importance of the River Nile.


In art, the children will be using Andy Goldsworthy and other artists to show off their transient art skills. Whilst in DT, the children will design, construct and evaluate 3D pyramids; measuring accurately and consistently to ensure a strong structure is created. Our Egyptian day will involve the children learning the process of mummification and creating canopic jars, clay cartouches and a sarcophagus for their mummified being!


Non-core subject information Spring term


Our two topics this term will be Venice and Our local environment. Our Venetian topic will lend itself excellently to answering questions about physical and human geography. Over the course of the topic, we will learn about the foundations and background of the city, and spend time researching the location to assist our creative and persuasive writing in a travel brochure. Trade routes, food, architecture and culture will all be explored too.


In both topics, we will be developing our map reading skills by locating and describing the differing features. Venice and our local environment will offer a fantastic contrast to one another and inspire excellent comparative skills. 


Our local environment topic will enable us to get out and about in the local woodland and surrounding areas to research the history and geography of Halton. We will look at changes over time and carry out some local data collection.


In both topics, we have experience days. Venetian day will be a fun way to consolidate our learning and we will have the opportunity to make some Italian food. Our local environment will see us walking and exploring the local area so please ensure your local visits permission slip has been completed.


KS2 children are not provided with snack for their break times. Please can you ensure your child has a snack in their bag. Snack may be fruit or vegetable sticks and may be kept in a separate pot/ container to their lunchbox if need be.

Reading at Home in Year 3
