
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Kids Kapers

Kids Kapers is our breakfast and after school club.

The club runs in the school's dining room from 07.30 - 09.00 and from 15.15 to 18.00.


A full breakfast and varied and nutritious after school snacks are offered; children are involved in menu planning and in the preparation and cooking of some snacks. The club is run by the school and the supervisors & play leaders are valued members of the school community.


Our Kids Kapers manager is Mrs Julie Frier and her deputy manager is Fran Brooman. They can both be contacted via the school office.

Children take part in varied and exciting play opportunities both in and outdoors, engage in organised activities or can choose to spend quiet time relaxing after the school day. 

Kids Kapers has a dedicated phone line 01296 623635, with an answerphone facility for messages outside of Club hours. Registration Form/Terms and Conditions for breakfast & after school clubs can be downloaded and give further information about current charges.

If you have any queries about Kids Kapers please contact
