Together, our community
inspires a love of learning and
enables children to find their voice.
Our School Travel Plan (STP) was developed by the whole school community, to promote and facilitate sustainable travel for the school journey. At Halton Community Combined School, we are passionate about teaching children how they can make positive steps to improve our community. Our STP sets out practical initiatives and measures to encourage active, healthy, safe and sustainable travel as an alternative to single-occupancy car use. It aims to enhance the environment for the local community.
Through the STP process, we commit to pedestrian and cycle training as well as ensuring that road safety education is present throughout the curriculum.
National Award - Modeshift STARS
Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people. We have achieved the Good Travel Plan Award.
Our School Travel Plan team will be helping to organise events and campaigns to encourage pupils and staff to walk, scoot or cycle whenever possible. Where that is not possible, we encourage families to 'park and stride' (a reasonable distance away), car share and park considerately.
Be Bright Be Seen Day
During the Winter months, ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ with regards to road safety, is such an important message to our pupils as the school run is often in the dark. This means children in dark uniform and coats are harder to see on a dull day and the visibility is much poorer for a motorist. We want to spread awareness of road safety and ensuring our children can easily be seen when near traffic. On Monday 3rd February, children came to school dressed in their brightest outfits and completed activities to highlight the importance of being bright to be seen.