
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Phonics each term

What we learn in Pre-School


We follow the schools phonic program: Twinkl phonics.

As a guide each term we have a main focus which is set our below, however using Twinkl phonics ensure we incorporates all aspects of phase 1 phonics throughout the year. 

Autumn term

Listening and attention skills- We play games, and go on listening walks to hear the different sounds in the environment.


Spring term

Rhyming and initial sounds- We begin to focus further on learning new nursery rhymes and then progress onto making single words rhyme such as our name.


Summer term

Alliteration and orally blending sounds- Here we focus on the initial sounds of our names and look at what other words sound the same i.e. Silly Sally. We then begin to orally blend sounds into simple words i.e. c a t cat

What comes before Phonics- Phase 1
