
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.


Subject leader: Mrs Laura Rawlins


At Halton School we believe Geography to be an essential part of the curriculum that should inspire in our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We want to equip them with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the geography National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We want our children to use our local area, surrounded by the Chiltern Hills, to learn about landscapes, human interaction with physical features and to appreciate what we have. Across all year groups we will provide pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. We want every child to leave Halton School with a deep understanding of where they live, a broad knowledge of the Earth and an enthusiasm to wish to explore it for themselves.


Our teaching staff organise their own year group curriculums under the guidance of the individual subject leaders. Teachers are best placed to make these judgements and plan a wide variety of creative, immersive and thought provoking lessons. As a lot of our curriculum is taught via termly topics, teachers look for meaningful links to allow for cross-curricular Geography teaching and outdoor learning opportunities. There are of course times where Geography is taught discretely. Either way, teachers link prior knowledge to new learning to deepen children’s learning and help to ensure that everyone in their class knows more and remembers more as the unit of work progresses.


We believe that our pupils need to be actively involved in the learning journey. We use interactive classroom displays to allow children to contextualise prior learning and display it in a way that is meaningful to them.


Having a sense of identity and community are important aspects of the geography curriculum and, with community being so important to us here at Halton, we provide numerous opportunities for the children to develop their links with and understanding of their local community, including regular visits to Wendover Woods, to St Michael's Church in Halton, as well as being involved with events organised by RAF Halton, such as the Remembrance service and visiting the Trenchard Museum. 


Children’s understanding is assessed in a variety of ways including: end of topic quizzes, debates and presentations, and other tasks designed to reflect the children's understanding of the particular topic.

To measure the impact, we have clear end points identified using termly assessment statements. Staff are therefore fully aware of the expectations of all children and are able to accurately report on the attainment and progress of their pupils.

Please click on the icon below to see how geography has been planned across the school in line with the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. 

If you have any questions regarding Geography, please contact Mrs Rawlins via the school office.
