
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Physical Education

Subject leader: Miss Jen Lambie.

If you have any questions regarding PE, please contact Miss Lambie via the school office.

Curriculum PE


Our intent 

By the time children leave Halton they should have started to develop the skills to be resilient, confident and independent. A well taught PE curriculum will enable them to lead active, positive lifestyles and encourage them to start to develop strategies that will help them through their lives.

PE introduces them to a range of physical skills that they will start to consolidate as they progress through the school. They will start to recognise the importance of challenging themselves and making the most out of the activities that they undertake, adapting their opinions and workings as they change and develop themselves. They will develop the ability to reflect upon their performance and consider how they could improve. Linked into this will be the development of feedback, which they will be encouraged to do in a positive and nurturing way. There is a high emphasis on enjoyment, which linked with competition and an ability to improve, should inspire a lasting enjoyment of exercise.



The planned curriculum is mapped out and reviewed annually to best cover our intent and to ensure coverage, progression and rehearsal of learning. We use Complete PE, the National Curriculum and experiences of excellent teachers to guide our curriculum. Each class has access to 2 hours of curriculum PE per week and additional 30 active minutes made up of movement and brain breaks throughout the day. 


Within lessons, a variety of different sports are introduced so that new skills that have been taught are then developed. These skills are practiced in a variety of different sports so that children are given access to a wide range. Progression is developed as the children move through the school, skills are recorded in assessments and new skills developed each year. There is differentiation in the lessons with children being given the opportunity to challenge themselves where necessary. There is frequent training available to staff and training is then shared amongst the staff. 


Whole school healthy week, a huge range of weekly clubs and additional sporting opportunities spread across the year in the form of competitions, allows each and every child to access something new. Children are given chances to participate for fun enjoyment, compete in competitive sport or engage in a new experience. 



The Complete PE Assessments are linked into the skills that the children are taught so that they can progress with their learning. Lessons are adapted and changed due to pupil’s learning and development. Prior learning in previous Year groups and lessons is always considered. Disadvantaged pupils are offered the same sporting opportunities as other pupils and are represented in the school sports teams. All pupils join in with PE lessons and kits are provided for those who have forgotten them so they are included. Owing to assessment and the range of sports taught, teachers are able to identify the areas where pupils need support, ie catching and adapt their planning as such. Remembrance of skills is seen as the children go through the school and build on what they have already been taught. Teachers are able to identify learning through the sharing assessments as well as questioning and demonstrations from pupils.



Every class from Reception to Year 6 receives two hours of curriculum PE per week.

Within our PE lessons we aim to:


  • Follow a sequential, developmental curriculum that progressively builds on past experiences and incorporates new experiences when children are ready.  Lessons are not simply selected randomly with no obvious connections to past and future lessons or just as a way to keep children “busy, happy or good” for 60 minutes.
  • Physical education is a moving experience.  We aim to find ways to actively engage all children in moderate to vigorous physical activity for the majority of every lesson, a minimum of 75%.
  • In addition to being actively engaged, children also need plenty of opportunities to practice the skill or concept being taught that day.  Our quality programme will provide many practice opportunities, sometimes alone, sometimes with a partner and sometimes during small sided games in groups.
  • As well as copious practice periods, we aim to plan lessons so that youngsters of all abilities have high rates of success.  When children, particularly unskilled pupils experience success, they are more likely to continue practising and working to improve than when they fail continually.
  • We try to promote successful learning experiences in a warm environment in which children are encouraged to practice new skills and improve their fitness levels without feeling embarrassed.
  • We aim to make sure all our classes as much fun as possible so that children enjoy and look forward to PE, both at primary and secondary school.
  • Our PE curriculum has been carefully considered so that children have an opportunity to practice as many skills as possible in a variety of different sports, including ones that they may not have encountered before.  

Extra-Curricular Sports Clubs

​Every term there are a number of different extra-curricular sports clubs for boys and girls to participate in.  These clubs are run by teachers and external sports coaches, and may vary depending on the term. We have asked the children to be involved in saying what clubs they would like and have worked with them to provide a varied and fun time table. Some of these clubs are supported by our Sports Ambassadors who help to encourage the younger members of the club in their learning. 
