Together, our community
inspires a love of learning and
enables children to find their voice.
What is the School Council?
The School Council is made up children from Year 2 to Year 6. Children who want to be part of the council for the year put themselves forward and are then elected by the other members of their class. One boy and one girl from each class are then democratically chosen to be part of the School Council for that academic year.
What does the School Council do?
We organise fundraising events throughout the school and make decisions, along with our classes, about what to improve in our school and how to do it. We have thought about areas of our school that are safe, ways in which our play times can be improved as well as ideas for certain aspects of teaching and learning across he school. Mrs Allen and Mr Green are the members of staff who organise the School Council however the children are expected to work alongside other children and staff as well as with Mr Horsfield and the members of the Senior Leadership Team.
The School Council for 2020-21:
Year 6:
Year 5:
Year 4:
Year 3:
Year 2:
Every year the School Council chooses a local charity to support. This year our chosen charity is the Chiltern Food Bank. Click below to find out more information about this wonderful charity and how you can help to support them this year.
School Council trip to the Houses of Parliament:
Last year we were very excited to visit the Houses of Parliament in London. We arrived at school at 7:15am (very bleary-eyed) and travelled into London by minibus. When we arrived, we went through airport-like security checks and met our guide, Becca. We had a guided tour around the whole of Parliament. Becca taught us a lot about democracy and Parliament's history, and we even had the incredible opportunity to see inside both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. After our tour, we had a workshop where we learnt how to campaign, and collectively we thought of an issue to campaign about which is close to our hearts. Back at school, we presented an assembly to the rest of the school to tell them about what we had learnt.
See below for some photos of our day.