
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Covid catch-up premium

Monies received from the coronavirus catch up premium grant have been used to support children affected by the Covid-19 school closures.


These included (but this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Children who were behind academically 
  • Children who were not making expected progress
  • Children whose mental health had been affected
  • Children who were not able to access the curriculum


The grant was used to provide additional teaching time to support children through booster groups and 1-1 sessions with a focus on English and Mathematics. These sessions were led by Ms Alison Humphrys.


The impact was assessed through in-school formative and summative assessments, both tests and teacher assessment, throughout the year. Assessment data was also used to identify those children for extra support.


