
Halton Community Combined School

Together, our community

inspires a love of learning and

enables children to find their voice.

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 

Class teacher: Miss Lambie/Mrs King

Support staff: Mr Priest, Ms de Sousa and Mrs Frier (Thurs/Fri)


Autumn Term  - Super Hero Villains

We start off the new school year with our Super hero vs Super Villain topic. 

We will be exploring superheroes and villains within stories, comics and films. The topic will incorporate Geographical and Historical skills across the term. In Geography, we will be tracking weather patterns and identifying seasonal changes. As part of our topic, the children will be designing and creating their own superhero and super villain characters to inspire descriptive writing. We will be recounting part of the story ‘Traction Man’ to help us remember how to use capital letters and full stops.

Map skills will be developed to create our very own maps to venture into secret villain lairs, incorporating human and physical features and vocabulary. In History, we will explore the lives of significant individuals – the real-life superheroes of our generation and the impact these important people have made in our lives, including Emily Davison, Rosa Parks and Tim Berners-Lee. Our art will include creating a city scape blending paints and making Pop art influenced by Roy Lichtenstein. This term will be lots of fun and the children will learn a huge amount about the past. I cannot wait to start our learning journey through Year 2!


Multiskills Festival at John Colet

Spring Term  - Kings, Queens and Castles

The spring term is full of magic and creativity. During this term the children will develop their writing skills and their imaginations will thrive as we explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. The first half term will allow us to learn about historical events within and beyond living memory. We will research and learn about the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth 11, as well as some other significant kings and queens. We will write a biography to share our research. 


After half term, History and geography will be a focus, where we will research the castles of the United Kingdom and choose the best location for a castle to be built. We will visit Warwick castle to help us experience a real castle before we make our very own. After we have designed our castles using our design skills, we will make them! Can we persuade others to come and visit our extraordinary castles? 



Summer Term  - Explorers

We end our school year on a high, as we enjoy exploring the past, present and future of flight and space travel. The children will eat like astronauts and find out what it would be like to live in space. As always, there will be plenty of great writing opportunities including writing to a famous astronaut and who knows, we may even get a reply! 

We have PE on a Monday morning. Please come to school wearing your PE kit every Monday. 

Autumn Term 1: Attack vs defence (Indoors)

Autumn Term 2: Hand skills - Sending and receiving (Indoors)

Spring Term 1: Dance & Gymnastics (Indoors)

Spring Term 2: Feet skills (Outdoors)

Summer Term 1: Athletics and Orienteering (Outdoors)

Summer Term 2: Rackets, bats & balls (Outdoors)

Purple communication books:
Every child has their "Purple book" and this is to share home reading and important messages. If you have written in the communication diary, please give it to your child to hand to the adults when they come in. This way, we can guarantee we will not miss any messages. 

The children get homework every Tuesday which will consist of a phonics/spelling, reading and a maths activity. These activities will help the children to consolidate their learning in school. Homework will be on Seesaw on Wednesday and will be due in every Tuesday.  


Reading Books

Reading books should be brought in daily and will be changed every Monday. The children will get a dojo point for reading 5 times or more each week. Children will get the chance to share their reading success on our reading wall chart and the whole school reading rewards per half term linking to the reading challenges. 

Curriculum Overview

Below are the curriculum leaflets to show the how we are covering the topics and subjects each term.


Autumn Term 


Reading at Home in Year 2
